Bible Study

// Bible Study

Introduction about bible study

GNIT (Gospel and Information Technology) is a global Christian IT community.

We are thrilled to be able to offer a Bible study program.
All students and developers with an interest in IT are welcome.
We can only know God’s love for us deeply through Bible studies, and only then we can use our abilities effectively.

Your words are like a torch to my feet and a light to my way. 119:105 (Psalm)

More than 300 students and developers received the word of God via GNIT, and their lives were drastically impacted.
It will be beneficial to many people who are searching for themselves and God. 

You and your friends can study the Bible together in person or online.

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Chloe T
Although I was a Christian for a long time, I thought a lot about the meaning of life. I couldn't easily share these concerns with others for a long time. I also had hard days fighting my sinful nature. However, by the grace of God, studying the Bible with GNIT, many misunderstandings within me have been resolved. I thought of God in my own way and did not value the precious sacrifice of Jesus. Through Bible study, I experienced freedom as I accepted in my heart that the sacrifice He made was for me. I was a Christian for a long time, but I thought that I would not be able to answer my questions through the Bible. However, I realized that it was a misunderstanding. After that, my life started to change one by one, and although it seemed slow, the change in my life became clear. Now, I know the meaning of my life, and I am working in the ministry of IT. I agree that God's thoughts are higher than mine. I was grateful to be able to study the Bible together at GNIT. Thank you for the free grace of God. Amen
Through Bible study, I was able to discover the purpose and meaning of my life. In particular, the GNIT Bible Study taught the Word of God, which is very necessary for Christians who do IT. I believed in Jesus, but as a Christian, I didn't know how to live and what to live for. However, GNIT's Bible study taught me what to live for as a Christian and what I can do to spread the gospel with God as a programmer. I want to introduce GNIT Bible Study to many Christians who do IT, and I want them to start a new life with me through GNIT Bible Study.