GnIT News

18 Web Churches Launched To Be Channels for Online Mission

The basic form of web church, which contains the functions necessary for online missions in churches, was completed, and domain, hosting, and certificate settings were all completed for 18 churches wishing to operate web churches. This web church has been reorganized to simplify the structure that is difficult for some users to intuitively grasp from the existing web church structure, and to make it easier for web church administrators to manage the site. With the collaboration of Media department, GNIT, and Creatio, 18 web churches are now ready for operation. This site was created based on Content Management System, which allows users who are not programming experts to easily reorganize the site within a short period of time.

In addition, materials to guide web page management, streaming attachment, and new page creation through CMS were provided. Currently, the basic type consists of 5 pages in total, main page, worship and talk, education program, small group sharing, and question/consultation/communication. For ‘worship’, which is the core function of the church, worship and words can be viewed through external streaming links, and testimonials can be submitted with contact information.

The educational program introduces the new class, registration process, confirmation delay process, and commitment delay process, and the small group page introduces small group meetings by age group. Each page has an application form, so those who are interested can receive counseling with the minister through the application. Questions/Consultation/Communication is a page where people can apply for questions about the Bible, prayer topics, and faith counseling. On the other hand, web church will show its true value through the promotion of web church beyond the operation of web treatment itself.

To this end, first, active online missions must be conducted in various fields, and second, management must be carried out so that the vision and mission of the church and the contents of education and training that can be provided are clearly communicated to the web church. To this end, if there is a case in which online ministry is doing well, the direction of researching, benchmarking, and introducing it may be a very important operating policy. The Media department said, “Thank you for the increase in the channels of evangelism in this age through the grace of God. The reorganized web church will be operated with sincerity and prayer to move the hearts and souls of visitors.”

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