AI GnIT News Resources

Elon Musk taking on ‘danger’ posed by woke AI — including tool created by company he co-founded

Elon Musk is reportedly putting together a research team to combat what he has termed the “deadly” threat of woke artificial intelligence. Musk, 51, has contacted a select group of “artificial intelligence researchers in recent weeks about forming a new research lab to develop an alternative to ChatGPT,” according to The Information. In December, the […]

GnIT News

Embracing technology to fulfill The Great Commission

Technology, specifically the smartphone, has become a part of who we are, a complete extension of our thoughts and actions. Because of that prevalence, however, technology can easily become a distraction that consumes and even controls our lives. As believers, we must recognize the potential opportunity presented through our connectivity and technology and use it […]

GnIT News Uncategorized

Importance of Information Technology for Christian Media

Today’s Christian media is heavily dependent on information and technology. In order for Christian media to fulfill its mission, strong technical support must be aided. Social media, Youtube, and online media channels that people use a lot are not purely Christian channels. There, people are exposed to non-Christian media and are prone to contamination.   Social […]

GnIT News

18 Web Churches Launched To Be Channels for Online Mission

The basic form of web church, which contains the functions necessary for online missions in churches, was completed, and domain, hosting, and certificate settings were all completed for 18 churches wishing to operate web churches. This web church has been reorganized to simplify the structure that is difficult for some users to intuitively grasp from […]

GnIT News

GNIT Researched for Sense of Calling for IT professionals

GNIT staff have researched the literature of sense of calling for the IT professionals. Research on calling began in a religious context, and the concept of calling has changed over time. To be “called” means to be called to serve God through the work assigned in daily living, i.e., personal belief to have been called […]

GnIT News

GNIT HQ Pursues Creativity and Essence

GNIT HQ held a meeting On Jan 29th to discuss how GNIT pursues goals and visions in a way it can fulfill its commission God’s given.The discussion was addressed covering various perspectives not only from GNIT HQ staffs but also well-known people who are in the industry of IT in the world. Looking at the […]

GnIT News

GNIT Mission Dept. Leads Group Bible Study

GNIT mission department will make a Bible study group in which newcomers will study the Book of Romans together, led by the mission department director. GNIT mission department will utilize study materials of Romans made recently as a student edition. The department will make a schedule with recent newcomers when they will meet online together […]

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