On December 29th, GNIT emphasized the importance of meditating the Word of God daily in the meeting. GNIT director said, “Our strength and passion comes from above, it is not from us or from our ability. The work of God we are doing can be done only by God’s spirit, not by horizontal methods. We […]
On December 19th, GNIT held its second online tech meeting. This time the presenter Victor presented a Laravel Nova administration panel. First, he started with sharing his experience of using Laravel Nova and how he came to know about Laravel Nova in addition with motivation of using this panel on his projects. He presented about […]
GNIT resumed the online tech conferences every two weeks. Tech conference will help GNIT members to share their specialty to others easily through online channels and have them more united not only in technical skills but also in spirit. Online tech conference presenter of Dec 5th is Thomas from California, and his presentation topic is […]
On November 27th, GNIT HQ held an online meeting with a representative of GNIT Korea. GNIT Korea rep shared current projects GNIT Korea has been working on. Those are supporting Web Churches, church education websites, and so on. GNIT Korea has been supporting various ministries including churches and fellowships. The representative of GNIT Korea said, […]
In an increasingly anxious society, Global Media Outreach, a digital ministry specializing in online evangelism, has partnered with a world-class photographer for an innovative new campaign that’s sharing the hope, peace, and rest found only in Jesus. GMO, which has made 2 billion online Gospel presentations worldwide since 2004, recently collaborated with photographer Michael Belk, […]
On Nov 6th, GNIT Mission Department director opened the workshop and presented how to evangelize through social media. GNIT mission department director said “It is a great joy to have an online evangelism team. I want to share the Grace that I received through online evangelism. Recently I realized how much our lives are related […]
GNIT mission department is a leading evangelism team which includes volunteers who want to participate in online evangelism social media. Some have already learned how to use social media from the director of the mission department, and they are doing daily online evangelism through social media. One Volunteer decided to update social media contents daily […]
GNIT fellowship in San Francisco chapter developed the mission –friendly mobile application call ‘IChurchLife’. The IChurchLife app project was started in SF to give SF churches convenient access to the word of God. Churches use this app to shepherd the bible study with students online. The mobile app can be found in both Apple store […]
On September 1st, GNIT China held an online fellowship that was full of God’s grace. Many GNIT members joined the fellowship. Members shared grace and technology, and they had time for Q&A afterward. GNIT China rep shared the vision to build some useful tools for mission together online, although all members have their worn work […]
Second-generation students have been developing logical thinking and deductive reasoning processes in the recent coding classes provided by Gospel and Information Technology (G&IT) in Dover. As part of the development process for a video game, the students have been performing world-building thought experiments, error analysis, and recovery constructions as part of the narrative generation. The […]